Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

you suck Dimaano!

You're born, you die, and in between you make a lot of mistakes.

I suck for many reasons and those are...

I forget the spelling of some words like "tomorrow"  which sometimes I write "tommorow". I am afraid of spiders   even the little ones because of some incident. I talk to much that I eat dinner alone first and end up eating alone  because they're done. I suck at speaking and writing in English. I hate fitted clothes. I can't remember stuff even though I've just heard and see it in a while. I can't fully express myself in written words because they can't understand my point. I'm a middle child. I have ADD that many gets irritated at because they thought that I was not listening when they are the ones talking. 
I'm a deep sleeper that there is this one time that I fell of the bed and carried back to bed three times without me knowing it. I suck for I tend to forget what my age is. I suck  because sometimes when I talk my saliva spits out and that's not good at all. haha. I suck because fully watched the movie "Lord of the rings". I suck because whenever someone asks me on the spot I kinda show my blank poker face and forgets what the person asked. I went to a concert and doesn't know the new songs they were singing but after the concert I get addicted to it. I suck in lying that I'm panicking in front of a person. I suck because I never had a boyfriend yet. I suck because I don't drink "yet". haha. I suck because I can't understand an instruction I need to read it again or someone to explain it to me well. I suck because I'm afraid to commute alone whenever I'm in my hometown. I suck because I can'y eat bulalo and alamang. I suck because I'm afraid to break some rules. I suck being a girl because many say that I act and sound like a guy at a first look, that they thought I was a lesbo. I suck that I have this awkward pose at family photos. I suck because I'm small and stout just like a teapot. 
how my siblings describes me

My friends says that I suck because..
...I don't know how to fly.
...I don't know how to say no.
...I don't know when to stop working.
...I don't go at some gala.

-Kristina Dimaano

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