Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

Isabella Sucks!

I Isabella Borromeo sucks because I always think I'm stupid, useless, ugly and worthless.


 Which I think I am. I always think that I'm nothing since all of my friends are something. Such a loser, I know right? I suck because I'm sick, Not allowed to do this and that. I have limits for being happy because I can't attain them like other girls out there. Life would be very unhappy for me right now. I want to love the person that I want to love but, I can't because I'm a coward. I'm so scared if that person rejects me as I am because I just simply suck. I suck like shit because life is so fucking hard for me witch is so true among us unhappy mortals.  I always dream about a fantasy of mine which everything about me will get better but I guess not. I always look down on myself because before people would tell me mean stuff about me, which I think half of them is true and I admit it was kind of my fault because I can't change who I really am. I'm just me, A girl who can't get things straight in here life at times. So unreasonable at times that I often ask for help from my elders which is kind of a childish attitude of mine because I am not a child anymore. I lack self-confidence when I was in high school, always at my shell, hiding from opportunities I can hold on to. That dream that I would be the best...EPIC FAIL! 

Life IS unfair; I have to agree with that. One specific experience was when I was still in Iloilo, in my old school, Life was HELL. I would wish or ask something about...Why am I here suffering while other people were enjoying life? I was bullied and sick at the same time. Sick, like in the point of “Life and Death”. I would tell myself that I’m useless and stupid. Every single day since I bring problems inside the house or financial problems because I’m always at the Hospital suffering internal bleeding. I used to ask God if why did he made me? Why am I here still awake? I know I’m kinda Emo before. Fuck Life that’s what I said... repeating and repeating inside my head. I’m such a big loser, I tell myself every single minute. I thought of committing suicide but I was not able to because I was a chicken. I kept praying and praying for something good to happen, like a miracle would be nice but it did not happen. 

Keep dreaming Bella because I now it will end soon and hoping for that to happen makes you suck even more!

Posted by: Isabella Borromeo

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