Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

The Epic Isabella!

I am way beyond awesome because I can be so creative with things I want to be creative about.
This is a picture that I took from a School Organization that I joined to Called Optic View Which I won 3rd place. I am so epic because I have a lot of talents and hey! I'm proud of it. I can sing, Dance, Take good photos (hence the photo), I can play the piano and the guitar, I can act, I can cook well if you consider it as a talent but I know Its a skill. HAHA I can draw, I can make jewelries and can do anything or I can BE anything Whenever I wan to!

I am Epic because I have an awesome family which sometimes are way too serious about everything but I LOVE THEM!

My Titas, Tito and cousins <3

My Perfect Family <3

 Whenever my friends needs my help, I'm always there for them, getting ready for my arms to cry on.

Here is a picture of my friends back in Iloilo...

I am epic because I have a nice body shape until now. Even how much I eat I was able to keep my body as sexy as always hahaha. No seriously!


 I may think negative from life's perspective but I can try to be positive in some ways which is try and try and never to fail to try again. Now that's epic! Although people may bring me down, I still put my head up high and get inspired by the people who hurts me, Inspiration in a way to change my being for them. I am epic because I always learn to love my enemies. HONESTLY, SWEAR. I know they have a reason for doing such things to me. They better be! (Evil Laugh) I don't know how to get angry to my fellow mortals for a long time, I can never learn how to do that, which is good. right? 

 I always find myself looking out for others before myself. I'm awesome because I believe that I have the determination to live happily in life itself even though everything seems to fall into pieces and it will come one day that all these pieces will be glued back together again like a stone. Being strong is one awesome quality that I have because if I'm not strong enough to fight for what I live for, how will I be able to survive what life brings me. I can feel pain and being lonely at times and that's because I'm  breathing. I'm happy that I am. Who isn't? well except for those emo people out there which I have nothing or any bad thoughts towards you guys... I completely understand on what kind of life your going through.

Life is hard my friend, Get a helmet and that helmet is your faith and relationship between god. But hey If you don’t give a shit about God, I’m sorry that’s the way I live my life.  Without God there is No life at all!
From all I've been through I survived it with the help of God. Trust me people of the world!!!! God.... truely care for us because we are his people and children. That's why I learned to have faith from him because I know how it feels like being bullied at school and being sickly so.....
Mind as well as an experience that makes me stronger as I am today. So I challenge you.Yes you! Have patience in life, it will come one day but it will take time but are you willing to take this challenge for the better you?
and that's why I'm Epicly awesome!

Posted By Isabella Borromeo

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