Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

The Unusual Interview

We interviewed Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals in our society and we found out that It was a hard thingy to do because we are like invading their privacy but anywho... We learned a lot and it was fun doing such a extra ordinary thing for our blog.

Some of the people we interviewed or should I say... Almost all does not want us to post their pictures or their full name... So we are very sorry for that because when we start asking them for a photo they felt offended or "not cool" so we respected them... Although our butch lesbian allowed us to take a picture with her...



1. Have you ever thought about three way?
Answer:  Definitely not!!! That's disgusting...

2. Do you attract boys or girls more?
Answer:  I like girls more... I really don't know why...

3. Did it ever come to a point that you had to choose between a boy or girl?
Answer:  Yup! I have to choose what is now, I long for boys.

4. If you get married, will it be a boy or a girl?
Answer: With a boy, I still want to have a family

5.Does it bother you that you have feelings for both sexes?
Answer: Not really, I find it thrilling and fun to explore.

6. How can you balance both girl and boy relationship?
Answer: By schedule? I think.... haha


1.       Have you ever thought about three way?
Answer:Yes. But i never got the guts to do it... I hope I can do it with someone soon..

2.       Do you attract boys or girls more?
Answer: Actually it depends on my mood... hahaha

3.       Did it ever come to a point that you had to choose between a boy or a girl?
Answer: Yes. And it is very hard thing to do... It was way back when I was in high school and there, found out that I was bi because I was not that attracted with my girl friend anymore.

4.       If you get married , will it a boy or a girl?
Answer: I think I would still pick a girl.. I want to have a family someday... if possible

5.       Does it bother you that you have feelings for both sexes?
Answer: Yes. It does because since my family is all catholic and stuff so yeeah...

6.       How can you balance both boy and girl relationship?
Answer: I would balance my mood first before I go out with someone because I don’t wanna end up a bad person by hurting someone.

What we've learned: We learned that Boy and Girl Bisexuals are way different from each other even when they think. Girl Bisexuals tend to be straight in some point and very conservative meanwhile the Boy bisexual is more out there and very reviling in terms of his sexuality. But both of them have chosen to have a family someday. Which means bisexuals have a tendency to be straight someday which shows in one research by Tyra Banks that most of the bisexuals have a family.  


Her name is Florence Gaye Dianala (wearing a green top)

1.What is you form of sex?
Answer: Sexting

2. Did you have sex already?
Answer: I wanted too but, never did.
I want to have sex with two girls

3. How did you handle coming out from your closet?
Answer: It was so hard, until now my whole family does not know.

4.  When you kissed a girl. Was it weird when you did it for the first time?
Answer: No. It was not that weird at all....It comes out naturally.

5. Did you ever thought of getting married with a girl?
Yes. Back in high school me and my gf were planning to not until we broke up.

6. Can you say if a girl is lesbian or not?
Answer: Yes all lesbians can tell if the girl has LP ( Lesbian Potential )


1. Why do you like girls more than Boys?
Answer: Girls understand Girls... They understand how each other feels and they know what each other's needs.

2. When did you knew you're a Lesbian?
Answer: I go to a all girls school so I tend to like girls more than boys. environment...

3. Do you have any plans on telling your Family that your lesbian? Why or why not?
Answer: NO! They will hate me and they will kill me.

4. How did it feel when you had your first kiss with a girl?
Answer: It was good. Not that weird at all.

What we've learned: We learned that Butch lesbians are the once in control of the relationship.They tend to be the dominant in the relationship meanwhile the Femme lesbians are more shallow typed in the relationship, they are the once who lay low.



1.       What do you like in a boy?
Answer: I don’t even know I guess that fact that boys understands boys.... like lesbians...

2.       Are you treated fairly
Answer: No. Because most of my friends are straight and some of them knows that I gay and others don’t so its kinda hard to be paminta...

3.       Have you ever had a boy relationship?
Answer: Yes. And I love it.

4.       What type of guy do you like? Older or younger?
Answer: Any... haha as long as he’s attractive and nice

5.       Do you want to get married someday?
Answer: That I still don’t know and I don’t want to think about it yet. It scares me.


1.       What do you like in a boy?

Answer: I feel comfortable with the same sex and i feel much safer.

2.       Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Answer: Yes, when I was in college. it wasn't that serious.     

3.       Are you treated fairly?
Answer: In a way, yes. I don't let people treat me as someone they could bully around. yes I'm gay but it does not mean that they could drag me down.

4.       Do you like older men or younger men?
Answer: Older Men

5.       Do you want to get married?
Answer: No Comment

6.       Do you think that being gay can be brought to a person by genes? If so, do you have any family members who are gay as well and what is your stand about?
Answer: No, Environmental...

What we've learned: We learned that Paminta guys can be ignorant at times and way different from lesbians. They tend to be less emotional and does not care less towards what other people thinks.


 Isabella Borromeo, Ara Austine Castillo, Kristina Dimaano, Pauline Geneblazo, Avrille Phyllis Gutierrez, and Xynnah Inojo

Blades! What about it?

I was in grade school, when I first had interest in blades. 

we had threats in kidnapping and stuff.. I grew up learning different martial arts. scared of strangers who knew where I live. So I have paranoid issues on going out. Deadly weapons became my security blankets. I have a lot of butterfly knives which is made in our province our famously known as the "Balisong". There was this point that the parents of my classmates knew about it, I thought I'm screwed but it became the other way around. Those parents are looking for me every time we're going out saying "dala mo ba?" and I'll ask why and they'll say "yung balisong" then I go "yes po. Why?" their reply is...... "GOOD! sabi ko sa anak ko sayo dumikit, para safe" haha so now I became their security. Quick side story. Did you know that Cloe Moretz is good at using balisongs, she had this part in the movie Kick Ass which she was smoothly using it, like there was no blade on it. 

 Grade six came. Going home from our swimming competition, we passed by a blade store there were swords, knives, samurais and etc. I decided to buy one, the smallest one at least, it cost for one hundred bucks. Surprisingly until now I still have it, but it's a bit rusty already. I sometimes put this at the side of my socks or at the back of my pants. This knife is the classic one, but I can't try on tricks with this one.
My first ever weapon.
Because of this, I started liking and decided to collect this kind of stuff which some people are seeing it weird because I'm a girl and I'm young. But why the hell do I care anyway? So after I think a year or two. I bought another one with my kuya. This one is still a butterfly knife but the difference is that it has a metal handle and it's much bigger and it has a loosen joint so I can try lots of tricks (I only know 3 tricks yet) which I learned it from my kuya. And oh I remembered, it's color is not really yellow I just accidentally dropped a yellow paint on it and decided to dip the whole handle in a can of yellow paint, since it's also my favorite color.

So now my father knew that I was into blades, he introduced a new kind of knife to me which is the "karambit". My friends joke about it as the "palong ng manok" because they said it looks like one. I was searching for it for about months or even a year I think. So when I had the chance to go back in Taal, I went to our suki and luckily they're selling one!!! yey! Buying it was a dream come true ( for me at least). While buying this, there were a group of foreigner with two Filipino checking out the different blades. Surprisingly they're teaching a martial art using the butterfly knives. This woman is so awesome, she's telling a story about her experience when someone punched her on the neck and ripped her polo until she was half naked. Since she came from a tennis training she pulled out her racket and hit the guy. The guy pulled a knife and pointed at her, what she did is she also pulled out her secret weapon "the butterfly knife" and did a simple trick. The guy didn't expect that she knew such a thing, so he ran away.
Karambit, one of my most awesome possessions.  
We had our vacation in Ilococs, we went to this tobacco museum and inside there is a souvenir shop which has a lot of cool stuff. At a shelf located under a weaved mats I saw different "Itaks". I shouted and ran to my kuya and tell him about it. He was attracted at the traditional itak of the tribes, the long flat one. I was attracted at the other one that has two set of knives that has an awesome handle. It was so expensive, but we said, we will not see another one of this again, and we don't know if we can aver come back to that place, so we decided to buy it. I had the two knive which is known as the "da-ga". It is used for hunting according to the sales lady. 

My knife and itak from Ilocos tobacco museum

So there are some of my collection...

Last story to tell....
I discovered that that is why I'm into these kind of stuff because it runs in the family. I knew that my great grandmother had a butterfly knife before that still exist until now in the possession of my grandmother's brother. Speaking of my grandmother, she also knows how to use this when she was still young. She's also bringing it whenever she goes out. She even showed us a trick that is simple that when she's doing it, she still looks elegant.

so that's all...
=Kristina Dimaano


Miyerkules, Hulyo 27, 2011

you suck Dimaano!

You're born, you die, and in between you make a lot of mistakes.

I suck for many reasons and those are...

I forget the spelling of some words like "tomorrow"  which sometimes I write "tommorow". I am afraid of spiders   even the little ones because of some incident. I talk to much that I eat dinner alone first and end up eating alone  because they're done. I suck at speaking and writing in English. I hate fitted clothes. I can't remember stuff even though I've just heard and see it in a while. I can't fully express myself in written words because they can't understand my point. I'm a middle child. I have ADD that many gets irritated at because they thought that I was not listening when they are the ones talking. 
I'm a deep sleeper that there is this one time that I fell of the bed and carried back to bed three times without me knowing it. I suck for I tend to forget what my age is. I suck  because sometimes when I talk my saliva spits out and that's not good at all. haha. I suck because fully watched the movie "Lord of the rings". I suck because whenever someone asks me on the spot I kinda show my blank poker face and forgets what the person asked. I went to a concert and doesn't know the new songs they were singing but after the concert I get addicted to it. I suck in lying that I'm panicking in front of a person. I suck because I never had a boyfriend yet. I suck because I don't drink "yet". haha. I suck because I can't understand an instruction I need to read it again or someone to explain it to me well. I suck because I'm afraid to commute alone whenever I'm in my hometown. I suck because I can'y eat bulalo and alamang. I suck because I'm afraid to break some rules. I suck being a girl because many say that I act and sound like a guy at a first look, that they thought I was a lesbo. I suck that I have this awkward pose at family photos. I suck because I'm small and stout just like a teapot. 
how my siblings describes me

My friends says that I suck because..
...I don't know how to fly.
...I don't know how to say no.
...I don't know when to stop working.
...I don't go at some gala.

-Kristina Dimaano

So EPIC I wanna DIE!!!

Do you know me?! If NO, you're  missing half of your life. If YES, well you're so BLESSED!!
To start with.. I'm epic because I'm ME! I was named after a model witch turns out to be a brand of chocolate too. I may be SMALL but I can do great BIG awesome things like planking on the window of a belfry, hanging on the side of a kalesa(action movie type) just to take a picture. I am epic for I also have many crazy FRIENDS, three epic SIBLINGS and two awesome PARENTS.
my very own awesome family

few of my collection
I know how to dance ballet, jazz, hip-hop and ballroom. I listen to legendary bands. I know lot's of movies. I'm an athlete in the sports of Volley Ball, Swimming, Taekwondo and Aikido but I stopped due to an operation last year. I start ridding a bicycle when I was 7 years old. I like photography. I sometimes have my own world that many find it weird. I don't know if you consider this epic but I have a collection of deadly weapons like different blades(knife) and a taser.

this is nikon when he was still a bunny
I am a jolly person. I have a mole that nobody usually have. I make people happy in different simple ways. I am talkative but I can keep a secret and I keep my promises. I can stay up late  until 6 am in the morning talking to somebody. I can entertain people. I have an awesome ass that many are jealous at. I have a killer smile. I laugh hilariously that you will also laugh with no reason. I can control my tickle spots up to the point that I can't be tickled anymore. I know how to play the drums. I know how to use the butterfly knife but not not on a person I never tried that yet. Haha. I know how to look for clothes that is stylish yet cheap in price. I am strong that I kick my kuya's butt. I can open a soda bottle using my teeth. I first enrolled at a dance school before I was enrolled in a kindergarten. I love animals like rabbits, cats, dogs, snake and iguana. =) 
my sister is afraid of touching it. It's skin is cold and slippery =)

I also asked some of my friends and they said:
I'm epic because...
...I have a friend like them. 
...I have the guts to do epic deeds (which I don't really know what particular deeds is that.)
...I can be myself wherever and whenever.
...I am determined.
...I am talented.
...I am sweet friendly and caring at the same time.
...I am beautiful.
...girls and guys are having a crush on me because of my new haircut. (weird) haha 
these are some of my friends.
lastly I'M EPIC because I'm in BENILDE
that's all thanks for reading. =)
-Kristina Dimaano

Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2011

Oh Mahn, She Epic Yo

I'm epic because I know how to do muay thai and use it against you. I am flexible even if I'm chubby. I'm chubby but voluptuous. I can do the split. I can take awesome pictures. I kicked a guys balls on purpose. I know how to box like Manny Paquiao. I am pro in swimming except for the butterfly stroke. Light skinned or dark skinned, I'm still pretty. I love God. I have three people who I call my twins that I don't look alike in any way. I dance like a woman with no bones. I'm a virgin since birth. I'm a non conformist. I don't take shit from people. I can jiggle like theres no tomorrow. I have a "manang" laugh. I love Miss De Dios. I'm awesome with "the moves". I'm a chill chill person/mamoy. I'm still sexy even if I'm chubby. I look awesome in pictures. I am the u in pictures. I can make you laugh. I am so funny. OHYEAH IM SO EPIC MAHN.

Posted By: Avrille Phyllis Gutierrez

Sabado, Hulyo 23, 2011

Avrille, You Sucketh

I suck because..

     I'm afraid of the dark. I have never rode the huge roller coaster in Enchanted Kingdom. I can't go on a day without eating something illegal to my body; chocolates and sweet drinks. I eat too much rice and always ask for more. I have a really bad butterfly stroke. I can't go to public bathrooms alone. I am afraid of being alone. I can't love someone without hurting them. I can't fit into a size small in clothes. I loathe pink. I don't know how to skateboard like a pro. I am a confused person who doesn't know when to say no. I can't keep my priorities straight. Sometimes I forget to take a bath. I effort too much for friends. I am a pushover and I know it. I'm immature in a lot of ways. I just learned to speak up in college. It's hard for me to feel accepted. I always feel insecure everyday when a person looks at me differently. I think boys are all heart breakers. I get drowsy when it's hot and I'm wide awake when it's cold. I have an addiction to smelling things that are new. I have big fat legs. I have bigger boobs than you. I am confused in many ways possible. I can be boyish and girlish, I don't know why. I'm accidentally in love. I don't know how to use make up properly. I can't see him for a year.

Biyernes, Hulyo 22, 2011

Epic Pauline!

Hey guys! So here is the other side of me... Epic Pauline on your way!
I'm epicly awesome in terms of being in a creative industry. One exaple is whenver I sing, I feel so proud because this is what I've got, a talented young filipino singer, Like what other people say.... that filipino people are really good and passionate about the music and the arts.

I'm just a simple and average person but for me... I'M SUPER DUPER AWESOME!!! HELL YEAH!!!

Not that I'm bragging or anything its just that other people say that they believe in what I have and will be succesful someday with it. It's Gods given gift and I know there's a reason for that. I'm awesome because whenever there is a challenge that life would give me, I was able to bring laughter and smiles towards other people and myself as well and most importantly is that I'm awesome because I know whatever may life brings me, I note to myself that I can do this with the loving guide of God, My Family and Friends.
Posted By: Pauline Geneblazo

Pauline Suck as Hell!

Okay here's the deal I suck because I suck in english both speaking and in writing. I feel so down whenever I make an effort in doing it even though I know I am thats why whenever I recite in class I can't do it... NADA! Not a single hand from me will be seen, that's why I don't have the confidence. I feel I am the most BOBO whenever it comes to english but I can say I'm kinda good in grammar but.. what the heck we are talking about english here people! English for me is Hell... I SUCK AS HELL! Because of these I thought to myself that I'm such a big loser, that I feel I'm a useless person. I feel like I can't do anything good nor beautiful and that's why I feel all the bad luck that is known around the world happened to me.
Posted by: Pauline Geneblazo

The Epic Isabella!

I am way beyond awesome because I can be so creative with things I want to be creative about.
This is a picture that I took from a School Organization that I joined to Called Optic View Which I won 3rd place. I am so epic because I have a lot of talents and hey! I'm proud of it. I can sing, Dance, Take good photos (hence the photo), I can play the piano and the guitar, I can act, I can cook well if you consider it as a talent but I know Its a skill. HAHA I can draw, I can make jewelries and can do anything or I can BE anything Whenever I wan to!

I am Epic because I have an awesome family which sometimes are way too serious about everything but I LOVE THEM!

My Titas, Tito and cousins <3

My Perfect Family <3

 Whenever my friends needs my help, I'm always there for them, getting ready for my arms to cry on.

Here is a picture of my friends back in Iloilo...

I am epic because I have a nice body shape until now. Even how much I eat I was able to keep my body as sexy as always hahaha. No seriously!


 I may think negative from life's perspective but I can try to be positive in some ways which is try and try and never to fail to try again. Now that's epic! Although people may bring me down, I still put my head up high and get inspired by the people who hurts me, Inspiration in a way to change my being for them. I am epic because I always learn to love my enemies. HONESTLY, SWEAR. I know they have a reason for doing such things to me. They better be! (Evil Laugh) I don't know how to get angry to my fellow mortals for a long time, I can never learn how to do that, which is good. right? 

 I always find myself looking out for others before myself. I'm awesome because I believe that I have the determination to live happily in life itself even though everything seems to fall into pieces and it will come one day that all these pieces will be glued back together again like a stone. Being strong is one awesome quality that I have because if I'm not strong enough to fight for what I live for, how will I be able to survive what life brings me. I can feel pain and being lonely at times and that's because I'm  breathing. I'm happy that I am. Who isn't? well except for those emo people out there which I have nothing or any bad thoughts towards you guys... I completely understand on what kind of life your going through.

Life is hard my friend, Get a helmet and that helmet is your faith and relationship between god. But hey If you don’t give a shit about God, I’m sorry that’s the way I live my life.  Without God there is No life at all!
From all I've been through I survived it with the help of God. Trust me people of the world!!!! God.... truely care for us because we are his people and children. That's why I learned to have faith from him because I know how it feels like being bullied at school and being sickly so.....
Mind as well as an experience that makes me stronger as I am today. So I challenge you.Yes you! Have patience in life, it will come one day but it will take time but are you willing to take this challenge for the better you?
and that's why I'm Epicly awesome!

Posted By Isabella Borromeo

Isabella Sucks!

I Isabella Borromeo sucks because I always think I'm stupid, useless, ugly and worthless.


 Which I think I am. I always think that I'm nothing since all of my friends are something. Such a loser, I know right? I suck because I'm sick, Not allowed to do this and that. I have limits for being happy because I can't attain them like other girls out there. Life would be very unhappy for me right now. I want to love the person that I want to love but, I can't because I'm a coward. I'm so scared if that person rejects me as I am because I just simply suck. I suck like shit because life is so fucking hard for me witch is so true among us unhappy mortals.  I always dream about a fantasy of mine which everything about me will get better but I guess not. I always look down on myself because before people would tell me mean stuff about me, which I think half of them is true and I admit it was kind of my fault because I can't change who I really am. I'm just me, A girl who can't get things straight in here life at times. So unreasonable at times that I often ask for help from my elders which is kind of a childish attitude of mine because I am not a child anymore. I lack self-confidence when I was in high school, always at my shell, hiding from opportunities I can hold on to. That dream that I would be the best...EPIC FAIL! 

Life IS unfair; I have to agree with that. One specific experience was when I was still in Iloilo, in my old school, Life was HELL. I would wish or ask something about...Why am I here suffering while other people were enjoying life? I was bullied and sick at the same time. Sick, like in the point of “Life and Death”. I would tell myself that I’m useless and stupid. Every single day since I bring problems inside the house or financial problems because I’m always at the Hospital suffering internal bleeding. I used to ask God if why did he made me? Why am I here still awake? I know I’m kinda Emo before. Fuck Life that’s what I said... repeating and repeating inside my head. I’m such a big loser, I tell myself every single minute. I thought of committing suicide but I was not able to because I was a chicken. I kept praying and praying for something good to happen, like a miracle would be nice but it did not happen. 

Keep dreaming Bella because I now it will end soon and hoping for that to happen makes you suck even more!

Posted by: Isabella Borromeo

Fun Fun Survey!

Survey, what can we say about our survey? It was fun and at the same time hard. We all had fun because of the experience mostly when we are reading the answers. Some answers were not really related to the questions. At the time of the presentation day, we all laughed at the powerpoint because it was kinda weird, actually when it was made the powerpoint had a problem that the pie charts can’t be edited or adjusted. We also forgot to change it into percentage, well atleast by that experience we learned something from it. It was hard for us to ask questions from random people. It was like highschool again when we’re doing the thesis thing. We even got problems in counting some answers for we do not know where to put it, whether the yes or the no or even both. Over all experience of this activity helps us know more about our cafeteria since our questions focuses on that one.

We think that people really don't care much about where they eat as long as it's clean and safe. There are different kinds of people with different opinions. But no doubt, a lot of people really like their food served fast because they are hungry. We learned that many people love Paotsin best. We think it's because there are a lot of Chinese students in the SDA building. We think though that they should have more variety and less junk food in the cafeteria because although its yummy, it makes us fat. We believe that SDA students are satisfied with the cafeteria, it's clean and affordable.

We are all happy because we did the survey very well; because of this we knew a lot of information from our survey. We were able to communicate and interact with our fellow schoolmates from different course. For us to be able to achieve our goal all we need is teamwork, Like what we did.

Posted by: Isabella Borromeo, Pauline Geneblazo, Kristina Dimaano, Avrille Phyllis Gutierrez, Xynnah Inojo, Ara Castillo

Martes, Hulyo 19, 2011

Filipino Indie Films

As I was searching youtube I saw a lot filipino indie movies and to the point that I was so into it. I saw a Blog about all filipino indie movies which one shocker was a lesbian movie because since most of the filipino people are Roman Catholic it was indeed different.

1.Mocha Uson stars in yet another Lesbian-themed film entitled 'So Much Pain, So In Love' with Anthea Roa Murfet. Also seen on the video trailer are Mocha Girls Mae dela Cerna (in her first lesbo love scene) and Jhane. The movie is set to be shown on September 2011. This movie is written and directed by Roland M. Sanchez

2. The Natural Phenomenon of Madness
Directed by Charliebebs Gohetia

Two years after she was raped, a woman agrees to meet with her rapist in the beautiful ruins of Intramuros. As they have the same blood type, her rapist asks her to donate blood for his operation claiming this will lengthen his life and will give him ample time to seek redemption. The woman refuses to do so as she rediscovers she is still a victim of unrequited love towards her rapist. 

Told in two separate perspectives, the story revolves around how the woman and man pick the pieces of their broken lives after the rape, meeting every so often at places that remind them of their past. They are confronted by the fact that they are both victims of each other: THE WOMAN struggles with loving no one but the man; THE MAN, struggles with his guilt knowing he can't love the woman the way she wants him to.

Actually there's a lot of interesting Filipino Indie films 
I got this from: 

So as being filipino I can say that we have a lot of good movies that is worth watching in the cinemas.  I hope we can support out own work of art rather than other movies or TV dramas (whatever you wanna call it) instead of Korean,Japanese(Anime),Chinese (Unless you have a blood related to chinese .people so you don't have to) and American or British Movies/Dramas. I hope us filipinos who try harder in helping promote our culture and country because I know we are gifted in a rich culture.

Posted By: Isabella Borromeo

Truly Pinoy: Lambanog

Speaking  of alcohol, These days I've seen a lot of young people drinking, Unlike before so I found a blog which perfectly fits with this topic.

Do you now that “lambanog” the Philippine alcoholic liquor, most commonly known as coconut wine, is now being sold in the United States?
Until recently, “lambanog” was primarily a local drink and widely enjoyed by the natives, particularly of the coconut-producing regions in the Philippines. Festive occasions are incomplete without the “tagay” and the “pulutan.”
But because of its long existence as a cottage industry product, the coconut wine is beginning to gain worldwide recognition. Its introduction to world market began with exports to Taiwan and Cambodia in 2001. Since then, it has enjoyed increasing exposure and popularity.
And lately, “lambanog” or VuQo as the producers named it, made its debut in the United States. Besides, the ABC Studios in Hollywood held its own launching of the wine. Malcolm Barret and Christoper Atkins were among the celebrities who were present. Alexis Monsanto, a Filipino fashion designer was among the group, too. He said VuQo reminded him of his childhood in the Philippines. He grew up in Batangas.
Rich Cabel, CEO of VuQo Incorporated, the company that manufctures VuQo, related that it took them four years to refine the product. And now that it is out, they will maximize their efforts to develop a plan of marketing for their finished product in the United States.
With report from ABS-CBN Global


I also found a video from youtube witch explains it more vividly! 

Hope you guys enjoyed my blog and if your a person who loves to drink... Try this filipino drink and it will blow your mind!

Posted By: Pauline Geneblazo

Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2011

"Josko Moreno! I'm so Haggardo Versosa and Pagoda Cold Wave Motion Dancers from being Bitter Ocampo because of one Pogie Domingo!"

Maybe now you're thinking why am I inserting random names of famous group of people in my sentence. I'm not randomly using them just for fun but because these words has deeper meanings (not so deep though).
Now-a-days there are lots of pinoy expressions multiplying on each and everyday that passes by. That's how artistic and weird we are Filipinos. We tend to make weird catchy expressions that is fun to use. 
At this point I choose to talk about this type of lingo or expression. I don't really know where and who started it. I just know that it is one of some type of gay lingos. They use different names of famous people. 
Maybe you cannot familiarize it all, some of them are old already and they are what? ahm stars from the 80's maybe? I don't know let's check it out.
I have here some backgrounds if the names that I just used earlier: 

Josko Moreno a.k.a Isko Moreno 
  He is now our current Manila Vice Mayor and he was also before an actor famous during the 90's.

Haggardo Versosa a.k.a Gardo Versoza
     He has appeared in over forty movies and dozens of television shows. He was also tagged as "Asia's sexist Man"

Pagoda Cold Wave Motion Dancers a.k.a

Pagoda Cold Wave Lotion
It is a kind of hair lotion that was famous during the 80's.

Bitter Ocampo a.k.a Diether Ocampo
Famous actor from ABS-CBN. He was one of the cast of the show "GIMIK".

Pogie Domingo a.k.a Cogie Domingo
He was also an actor of ABS-CBN. He's first show was "Cyberkada". Now he is an actor of GMA chanel.

Just a short experience about this. 
Back then in high school. I have this guy seatmate which he is totally straight by the way. Ok, to continue. He was asking what my problem is becasue I was staring blanky on thin air then I said "nothing really just annoyed at some guy." then he bursted out "uyyyyy... Bitter Ocampo!" then I go "Whaaaat?!" I really did'nt get it at first then when he repeated it again, I was like speaking to myslef saying "what's with you!?"
he laughed. Then I laughed. And we both did laughed eventually. So there, that was my first encounter of that expression. Shockingly my sister also kinda knows it too. She learned it from I think her gay friend. not sure of it though.
Out of curiosity we wanna know if there's a lot more. Hey! there is! We saw this site in which there are different names and their meanings. Here I'll share it to you.

Baklita Corrales – gay guy in his teens; young gay guy

Bitter Ocampo – Bitter; sad

Bottom Araullo – bottom

Cabella Flores – cab; taxi

Carmi Martin/Carmina Villaroel – Karma

Chanda Romero – Tiyan; tummy; stomach

Charice – Char!

Charotlot de Leon – charot! Char lang! meaningless expression

Chenelyn Mercado – Chenes

Chos Groban – from etchos

Curious Babao – Curious

Curious Babao – Curious

Done Zulueta – Tapos na; Finished

Gelli de Belen – Jealous

Haggardina Bonnevie – same as Haggardo Versoza – haggard and lady guard

Haggardo Versoza – haggard, exhausted; can also mean Security Guard

Imbyernadette Sembrano or Imbyernadette Allyson – imbyerna; inis; asar

Janno Gibbs – Give

Josko Moreno – “My god!”

<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Judy Ann Santos – (Bisaya gay lingo; if you want to learn more Davao gay lingo, click here.) Hindi; Not</span>

Julie Yap-Daza/ Julie Vega – Huli (to get caught)

Kainez Veneracion – irritating or annoying

KorekChynna Ortaleza Beauty Products Naghahasa Rin, Original Vaciador – Correct!, Korek! Yes

Luz Valdez – Loser; Talo, Talunan

Majinet Jackson / Majinette medved – Mainit; hot

Nanette Inventor – one who invents stories

Pagoda Cold Wave Motion Dancers (from Universal Motion Dancers) – tired; exhausted

Pogie Domingo – Goodlooking guy

Purita Kalaw-Ledesma/Pura Kalaw /PuRita Avila – mahirap; poor; walang pera

Raymond Gutierrez – Busog (dahil Raymond looks busog all the time)

Stress Drilon – stressed

Tom Jones – Tomguts or gutom (hungry)


After checking this out, me and my siblings started out using different names in our sentences. We even got to use our own names and made different weird sentences like "bumili ako ng mainit na Kristinapay Dimaano sa tindahan." So there are a few of some filipino expressions. hoped you've enjoyed reading it and hope that you would also try using it and have fun.
Bye for now!