Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

The Unusual Interview

We interviewed Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals in our society and we found out that It was a hard thingy to do because we are like invading their privacy but anywho... We learned a lot and it was fun doing such a extra ordinary thing for our blog.

Some of the people we interviewed or should I say... Almost all does not want us to post their pictures or their full name... So we are very sorry for that because when we start asking them for a photo they felt offended or "not cool" so we respected them... Although our butch lesbian allowed us to take a picture with her...



1. Have you ever thought about three way?
Answer:  Definitely not!!! That's disgusting...

2. Do you attract boys or girls more?
Answer:  I like girls more... I really don't know why...

3. Did it ever come to a point that you had to choose between a boy or girl?
Answer:  Yup! I have to choose what is now, I long for boys.

4. If you get married, will it be a boy or a girl?
Answer: With a boy, I still want to have a family

5.Does it bother you that you have feelings for both sexes?
Answer: Not really, I find it thrilling and fun to explore.

6. How can you balance both girl and boy relationship?
Answer: By schedule? I think.... haha


1.       Have you ever thought about three way?
Answer:Yes. But i never got the guts to do it... I hope I can do it with someone soon..

2.       Do you attract boys or girls more?
Answer: Actually it depends on my mood... hahaha

3.       Did it ever come to a point that you had to choose between a boy or a girl?
Answer: Yes. And it is very hard thing to do... It was way back when I was in high school and there, found out that I was bi because I was not that attracted with my girl friend anymore.

4.       If you get married , will it a boy or a girl?
Answer: I think I would still pick a girl.. I want to have a family someday... if possible

5.       Does it bother you that you have feelings for both sexes?
Answer: Yes. It does because since my family is all catholic and stuff so yeeah...

6.       How can you balance both boy and girl relationship?
Answer: I would balance my mood first before I go out with someone because I don’t wanna end up a bad person by hurting someone.

What we've learned: We learned that Boy and Girl Bisexuals are way different from each other even when they think. Girl Bisexuals tend to be straight in some point and very conservative meanwhile the Boy bisexual is more out there and very reviling in terms of his sexuality. But both of them have chosen to have a family someday. Which means bisexuals have a tendency to be straight someday which shows in one research by Tyra Banks that most of the bisexuals have a family.  


Her name is Florence Gaye Dianala (wearing a green top)

1.What is you form of sex?
Answer: Sexting

2. Did you have sex already?
Answer: I wanted too but, never did.
I want to have sex with two girls

3. How did you handle coming out from your closet?
Answer: It was so hard, until now my whole family does not know.

4.  When you kissed a girl. Was it weird when you did it for the first time?
Answer: No. It was not that weird at all....It comes out naturally.

5. Did you ever thought of getting married with a girl?
Yes. Back in high school me and my gf were planning to not until we broke up.

6. Can you say if a girl is lesbian or not?
Answer: Yes all lesbians can tell if the girl has LP ( Lesbian Potential )


1. Why do you like girls more than Boys?
Answer: Girls understand Girls... They understand how each other feels and they know what each other's needs.

2. When did you knew you're a Lesbian?
Answer: I go to a all girls school so I tend to like girls more than boys. environment...

3. Do you have any plans on telling your Family that your lesbian? Why or why not?
Answer: NO! They will hate me and they will kill me.

4. How did it feel when you had your first kiss with a girl?
Answer: It was good. Not that weird at all.

What we've learned: We learned that Butch lesbians are the once in control of the relationship.They tend to be the dominant in the relationship meanwhile the Femme lesbians are more shallow typed in the relationship, they are the once who lay low.



1.       What do you like in a boy?
Answer: I don’t even know I guess that fact that boys understands boys.... like lesbians...

2.       Are you treated fairly
Answer: No. Because most of my friends are straight and some of them knows that I gay and others don’t so its kinda hard to be paminta...

3.       Have you ever had a boy relationship?
Answer: Yes. And I love it.

4.       What type of guy do you like? Older or younger?
Answer: Any... haha as long as he’s attractive and nice

5.       Do you want to get married someday?
Answer: That I still don’t know and I don’t want to think about it yet. It scares me.


1.       What do you like in a boy?

Answer: I feel comfortable with the same sex and i feel much safer.

2.       Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Answer: Yes, when I was in college. it wasn't that serious.     

3.       Are you treated fairly?
Answer: In a way, yes. I don't let people treat me as someone they could bully around. yes I'm gay but it does not mean that they could drag me down.

4.       Do you like older men or younger men?
Answer: Older Men

5.       Do you want to get married?
Answer: No Comment

6.       Do you think that being gay can be brought to a person by genes? If so, do you have any family members who are gay as well and what is your stand about?
Answer: No, Environmental...

What we've learned: We learned that Paminta guys can be ignorant at times and way different from lesbians. They tend to be less emotional and does not care less towards what other people thinks.


 Isabella Borromeo, Ara Austine Castillo, Kristina Dimaano, Pauline Geneblazo, Avrille Phyllis Gutierrez, and Xynnah Inojo

Blades! What about it?

I was in grade school, when I first had interest in blades. 

we had threats in kidnapping and stuff.. I grew up learning different martial arts. scared of strangers who knew where I live. So I have paranoid issues on going out. Deadly weapons became my security blankets. I have a lot of butterfly knives which is made in our province our famously known as the "Balisong". There was this point that the parents of my classmates knew about it, I thought I'm screwed but it became the other way around. Those parents are looking for me every time we're going out saying "dala mo ba?" and I'll ask why and they'll say "yung balisong" then I go "yes po. Why?" their reply is...... "GOOD! sabi ko sa anak ko sayo dumikit, para safe" haha so now I became their security. Quick side story. Did you know that Cloe Moretz is good at using balisongs, she had this part in the movie Kick Ass which she was smoothly using it, like there was no blade on it. 

 Grade six came. Going home from our swimming competition, we passed by a blade store there were swords, knives, samurais and etc. I decided to buy one, the smallest one at least, it cost for one hundred bucks. Surprisingly until now I still have it, but it's a bit rusty already. I sometimes put this at the side of my socks or at the back of my pants. This knife is the classic one, but I can't try on tricks with this one.
My first ever weapon.
Because of this, I started liking and decided to collect this kind of stuff which some people are seeing it weird because I'm a girl and I'm young. But why the hell do I care anyway? So after I think a year or two. I bought another one with my kuya. This one is still a butterfly knife but the difference is that it has a metal handle and it's much bigger and it has a loosen joint so I can try lots of tricks (I only know 3 tricks yet) which I learned it from my kuya. And oh I remembered, it's color is not really yellow I just accidentally dropped a yellow paint on it and decided to dip the whole handle in a can of yellow paint, since it's also my favorite color.

So now my father knew that I was into blades, he introduced a new kind of knife to me which is the "karambit". My friends joke about it as the "palong ng manok" because they said it looks like one. I was searching for it for about months or even a year I think. So when I had the chance to go back in Taal, I went to our suki and luckily they're selling one!!! yey! Buying it was a dream come true ( for me at least). While buying this, there were a group of foreigner with two Filipino checking out the different blades. Surprisingly they're teaching a martial art using the butterfly knives. This woman is so awesome, she's telling a story about her experience when someone punched her on the neck and ripped her polo until she was half naked. Since she came from a tennis training she pulled out her racket and hit the guy. The guy pulled a knife and pointed at her, what she did is she also pulled out her secret weapon "the butterfly knife" and did a simple trick. The guy didn't expect that she knew such a thing, so he ran away.
Karambit, one of my most awesome possessions.  
We had our vacation in Ilococs, we went to this tobacco museum and inside there is a souvenir shop which has a lot of cool stuff. At a shelf located under a weaved mats I saw different "Itaks". I shouted and ran to my kuya and tell him about it. He was attracted at the traditional itak of the tribes, the long flat one. I was attracted at the other one that has two set of knives that has an awesome handle. It was so expensive, but we said, we will not see another one of this again, and we don't know if we can aver come back to that place, so we decided to buy it. I had the two knive which is known as the "da-ga". It is used for hunting according to the sales lady. 

My knife and itak from Ilocos tobacco museum

So there are some of my collection...

Last story to tell....
I discovered that that is why I'm into these kind of stuff because it runs in the family. I knew that my great grandmother had a butterfly knife before that still exist until now in the possession of my grandmother's brother. Speaking of my grandmother, she also knows how to use this when she was still young. She's also bringing it whenever she goes out. She even showed us a trick that is simple that when she's doing it, she still looks elegant.

so that's all...
=Kristina Dimaano